James Templin
James has been involved in the arts since his freshman year of high school. He minored in theater at Walters State Community College and has been involved in shows, on stage and off, with WSCC, Morristown Theater Guild, Encore, and Downtown Dance Theater. While he enjoys being in the occasional limelight, a lot of his favorite experiences have been offstage serving as crew, set builder, Stage Manager, and Lighting Designer. On top off his theater experiences, James has 11 years of dance under his belt. He first started with the Tsoyah Indian Dancers and won 3rd in the region in 2002. His interest in dance grew from there and started taking classes with Covenant School of the Arts and then went to Lakeway Scool of Ballet and Dance where he assistant instructing. In 2010 he was asked to be part of Downtown Dance Theater's inaugural production of The Nutcracker serving as notary and assistant director. In years following he was an assistant choreographer and was Co-Artistic Director for the 2013 season. Other choreography credits include Romance/Romance and assisting with Big: The Musical.