A a hilarious farce-meets-murder mystery. The tale begins at a remote mansion, where six mysterious guests assemble for an unusual dinner party where murder and blackmail are on the menu. When their host turns up dead, they all become suspects. Led by the iconic and beloved characters the race to find the killer as the body count stacks up. This murder-mystery comedy whodunit will leave both cult-fans and newcomers in stitches as they try to figure out…WHO did it, WHERE, and with WHAT! Some restrictions may apply.
Directed by:
Candace Moore
Cast List:
BUTLER- Josh Davis
FRENCH MAID - Kara Van Veghel
WHITE - Paige Mattocks
PEACOCK - JoAnn Damiani
SCARLET - Kelby Cox
MUSTARD - Bill Carr
GREEN - Tyler McDaniel
PLUM - Adam Crandall
ENSEMBLE MAN 1 - Stephen Smith
ENSEMBLE MAN 2 - David Ford
ENSEMBLE WOMAN - Brooke Morrell
Feb. 2, 3, 9, & 10 @ 7:30 PM
Feb. 4 & 11 @ 2:30 PM
2808 W. Andrew Johnson Hwy Morristown, TN