Mar. 8, 9, 15, 16 @ 7:30 PM
Mar. 10, 16, 17 @ 2:30 PM
2808 W Andrew Johnson Hwy Morristown TN
The Children's Literature Association named this "the best American children's book of the past two hundred years," and Joseph Robinette, working with the advice of E.B. White, has created a play that captures this work in a thrilling and utterly practical theatrical presentation. The costumes and unit set may be simple or as colorful and elaborate as you wish; it's the story and relationships that make the show. All the enchanting characters are here: Wilbur, the irresistible young pig who desperately wants to avoid the butcher; Fern, a girl who understands what animals say to each other; Templeton, the gluttonous rat who can occasionally be talked into a good deed; the Zuckerman family; the Arables; and, most of all, the extraordinary spider, Charlotte, who proves to be “a true friend and a good writer.” Determined to save Wilbur, Charlotte begins her campaign with the "miracle" of her web in which she writes, "Some pig." It's the beginning of a victorious campaign which ultimately ends with the now-safe Wilbur doing what is most important to Charlotte. This is a beautiful, knowing play about friendship that will give your actors a great opportunity and your audience an evening of enchantment.
Directed by:
Josh Davis
Cast List:
Fern Arable: Emily Wilson
John Arable / Uncle The Pig: Deesun Turkey
Martha Arable: Janessa Simmons
Avery Arable: Natalie - Ann Tinley
Homer Zuckerman: Cash Ford
Edith Zuckerman: Zada Drinnon
Lurvy: Isaac Drew
Wilbur: Caleb Cantwell
Templeton: Addison Bolden
Charlotte: Molly Williams
Goose: Ci Ci Dempster
Gander: Nate Byrd
Sheep: Lyla Carey
Lamb: Baylee Cooper
Baby Spiders:
(Joy): Madelyn Timmons
(Aranea): Emma Davis
(Nellie): Amelia Palmer
Reporter: Co Co Calfee
Photographer: Katy Jo Lawson
First Member: Lexy Montanas
Second Member: Sydney Fishburn
Third Member: Nora Atkins
Ensemble: Co Co Calfee, Charley Jo Calfee, Charlotte Hodge, Nathan Julian, Katy Jo Lawson, Millie Davis, and Penny Frey